Our services

BAYOOTEC - Softwareentwicklung von Enterprise Software

You already know exactly what you are looking for and don’t want to waste time? Then send us a short message with all the information and we will contact you immediately with a concrete offer.
Or are you still unsure which software fits best for your project? Free consulting is part of our service. Feel free to contact us and we discuss all the requirements together.

What we engineer

These are our IT services for you

What we are proud of? We are proud of the diverse expertise of our colleagues.
With our expertise, we can therefore offer you a comprehensive range of solutions: From the development of appealing corporate websites, cloud development and apps to the implementation of reliable cybersecurity solutions.
Whatever your goal, we are your reliable partner.

BAYOOTEC - Softwareengineering in Ihrem Unternehmen - Unsere umfangreichen Dienstleistungen

Software Engineering

Our software engineering services offer customized solutions for all individual requirements. We develop efficient and innovative software that simplifies companies’ day-to-day business and optimizes their processes. Thanks to our many years of expertise, we achieve the best results together.

BAYOOTEC - Digitale Transformation - Innovative Lösungen für die Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens

Digital transformation

We accompany companies on their way to the digital future and optimize their business processes by using the latest technologies. We support companies from strategic planning to the implementation of innovative solutions.

BAYOOTEC - UI & UX Design - Außergewöhnliche Nutzungserfahrung als Begeisterungsfaktor

UI & UX Design

Outstanding user experiences and user interfaces individually tailored to customers – with our expertise, we can tailor projects precisely to the needs of the target group.

BAYOOTEC - Dein IT-Dienstleister für individuelle Softwareentwicklung für Unternehmen

Our services

BAYOOTEC - Softwareentwicklung von Enterprise Software

You already know exactly what you are looking for and don’t want to waste time? Then write us a short message with all the information and we will contact you immediately with a concrete offer.
Or are you still unsure which software fits best for your project? Free consulting is part of our service. Feel free to contact us and we discuss all the requirements together.

BAYOOTEC - Dein IT-Dienstleister für individuelle Softwareentwicklung für Unternehmen

Our services

BAYOOTEC - Softwareentwicklung von Enterprise Software

You already know exactly what you are looking for and don’t want to waste time? Then write us a short message with all the information and we will contact you immediately with a concrete offer.
Or are you still unsure which software fits best for your project? Free consulting is part of our service. Feel free to contact us and we discuss all the requirements together.

Smart software solutions for individual needs

If you are looking for individual software engineering, you have come to the right place. We are specialized in engineering customized software solutions and ensuring simple and intuitive operation. In collaboration with UID, the experts in UX design, we offer you an outstanding user experience.

Agile software engineering

This is how our cooperation looks like

In software engineering, we always have your individual goal in mind. The positive feedback of our customers from over 20 years of project work has shown what is special about working with us: our agile way of working. Therefore, we attach particular importance to transparency, a honest communication and regular interim results.

We manage your project through all phases of the software lifecycle

Together with UID we engineer complex but easy-to-use software solutions with a convincing design and an immense user acceptance.

From user research and UX design with user testing to software engineering and maintenance – we accompany projects throughout the entire lifecycle.

BAYOOTEC - Wir wir Software entwickeln - agil, schnell, kostengünstig
the technologies we engineer with

Partners, Products & Technologies

Effective software engineering requires the use of effective technologies. In order to be able to respond to the individual requirements and needs of our customers, we work with products and technologies of the highest quality. Over the years, we have also built up a solid network of partners, allowing us to grow through the constant exchange of experience and successfully implement joint projects.

BAYOOTEC - unsere Partner, Produkte und Technologien - Progress Sitefinity, Azure, .NET, AWS, Google Cloud, Vue.js, Docker, Kurbernetes und weitere