It is no secret that the progress of digitalization is progressing at different speeds in different countries and business sectors. However, the coronavirus pandemic in particular has once again made it clear whether and how companies have invested in digital transformation. Many organizations are now facing even greater challenges. Digital transformation is crucial in order to remain competitive – both against competitors in the market and to attract new employees.
Digital transformation through automation
Practical example: Best practice

Which price list applies to which customer and is valid for how long? If you have hundreds of customers in the B2B business, you need to know which price lists are up to date at all times. Previously, employees of a global consumer goods manufacturer had to manually collect this information from a large number of distributed Excel files. Comparisons between Excel files were laborious, sometimes not possible and very error-prone. Data synchronization with SAP was also time-consuming. Master data errors were difficult to find.
The aim of the revision was to simplify this manual price list work by defining the data source for the price list information. In addition, the time-consuming work was to be greatly simplified, thereby increasing usability and user experience.
The solution
Today, Excel files are created from a single source and uploaded to the connected systems on demand. Depending on the customer, the solution automatically opens up individual downloads and formats of the price lists and content. Changes to price lists are highlighted in color, which makes it easier to advise customers and increases usability. The price list data is automatically synchronized with the SAP master data.
Become active
There are a few concerns that speak against digitalization. The fact that poor linking would generate even more errors and you would ultimately lose data quality is one of them.
However, with a customized solution that not only automates your processes, but also fits your company and meets your individual needs, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Are you planning to digitize your business processes? We provide support. Simply contact us so that we can discuss your ideas and implementation options.